Dr. Craig E. Dietz graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a Biology degree in 1977 and from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine in 1981. He opened his private practice in 1981 in Calcutta, Ohio, retiring in 2017. Dr. Dietz served on the Board of Directors of the Corydon Palmer Dental Society and was an ODA Delegate for eight years. He also served on the Beaver Local School Board for eight years serving as President of the Board for four years. In 1990, Dr. Dietz attended the first national accredited Cosmetic Dental Course at Case Western Reserve involving over 120 hours of instruction.
In 2008 Dr. Dietz was appointed a Clinical Instructor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine in the AEGD Residency Program until 2017. He taught a Selective Course “Advanced Composite Techniques” to D3 and D4 students from 2015-2019. Representing the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine in 2023 Dr. Dietz presented a course through the ACDE titled “Composite Sense”. In 2022 Dr. Dietz became an instructor in the Prosthodontic Pre-Clinic and Prosthodontic Clinic in addition to the Restorative Clinics. He is now an Assistant Professor, Co-Director of Operative Techniques Review Course and the Course Director of Clinical Restorative Dentistry.
Living on a lake in Negley, Ohio with his wife, Dr. Dietz enjoys the outdoors and loves to boat, fish and spend time with his grandchildren.