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Clinical Experience

"Women working on a dummy"

University of Pittsburgh Dental Hygiene Program students' clinical training begins in the fall term of the first year in the simulation clinic (technology-enhanced lab), before transitioning to active patient care during the second term of the first year. Students gain valuable clinical experience in the dental hygiene clinic and through rotations within the school and at various health care facilities in the area. The clinical and preclinic student ratio for school-based instruction is one-to-five.

Students also have the unique opportunity to participate in Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training, along with students and faculty from the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. Students participate in simulated scenarios that enhance their ability to identify patients with substance use disorders, and provide brief interventions and referral for treatment. This training enables students to use evidence-based practices in providing individualized care to patients with alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use disorders in the clinical setting.

Pitt Dental Medicine Clinical Experience

Pitt Dental Medicine dental hygiene students gain valuable clinical experience while rotating through internal clinical departments

Center for Patients with Special Needs

Students work as team members with faculty, dental students, dental residents in providing comprehensive dental care in the Center for Patients with Special Needs. This rotation provides experience treating patients who are sedated, either via conscious sedation or general anesthesia.

Department of Diagnostic Services

Students gain experience in radiology. through exposing and processing digital radiographs, such as bitewings, full mouth series, and panoramic films. In addition, dental hygiene students have the opportunity to gain familiarity with advanced radiology, such as cone beam tomography.

Department of Pediatric Dentistry

Students work as team members with dental students and pediatric dental residents to provide dental hygiene care to child and adolescent patients.

Department of Periodontics

Students perform periodontal maintenance procedures on patients and chair-side assist residents in periodontal surgery. 

Department of Prosthodontics

Students provide dental hygiene care to patients undergoing treatment by prosthodontic residents. 


Pitt Dental Hygiene Clinical Partnerships

Additional clinical experience is obtained by participating in the following external rotations, made possible through partnerships with UPMC and Catholic Charities.

Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC

Students in conjunction with pediatric dental residents provide preventive dental services to patients from ages 12 months to 21 years.

Catholic Charities

Students collaborate with dental and medical healthcare professionals to provide dental hygiene services to a diverse patient population.

Neighborhood Resilience Project

A non-profit community center where students collaborate with dental professionals to provide dental hygiene services to un-insured patients.