Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice Newsletter
May, 2024
Upcoming Cultural Holidays
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Month of May
Jewish American Heritage Month
Month of May
Holy Thursday (Greek Orthodox)
May 2
National Day of Prayer (U.S.) (Interfaith)
May 2
Holy Friday (Greek Orthodox)
May 3
Pascha (Easter) (Greek Orthodox)
May 5
Yom Hashoah (Jewish)
May 6 (starts sundown on May 5)
Ascension Day (Greek Orthodox)
May 6
Mother’s Day
May 12
Pentecost (Christian-Western)
May 19
World Day for Cultural Diversity
May 21
Declaration of the Bab (Bahá'i)
My 23
Visakha Puja (Buddhist)
May 23
Lag BaOmer (Jewish)
May 25-26
Memorial Day
May 27
Ascension of Baha'u'llah (Bahá'í)
May 27-28
Special Mention:
143 Day (In Honor of Mister Rogers)
May 23
Affinity Groups Corner
Did You Hear What Happened?
Our Affinity Groups offer a great way to connect with other students while having fun! They host different events throughout the Dental School and the local community. Check them out!