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Alexis Distefano, DMD Class of 2027, Member of the ADEA Council of Students, Residents and Fellows


Alexis Distefano, Pitt Dental Medicine DMD Class of 2027, serves as the ADEA District 3 Commissioner as a part of ADEA Council of Students, Residents, and Fellows (COSRF). Her responsibilities include overseeing all ADEA District 3 Chapters (University of Pittsburgh, University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Howard University, and University of Maryland); mediating communication between local chapters and the national ADEA COSRF board; disseminating information about events and opportunities to the local chapters; and hosting district-wide events. Alexis has presented to pre-dental students, and soon will be holding a virtual, district-wide resident panel for pre-dental and dental students. She attends monthly COSRF meetings and will all be at the ADEA Annual Session in March to discuss updates and progress with Business and House of Delegates.

Additionally, she serves as the COSRF representative on a committee that, together with select ADEA staff, works to propose revisions to current membership by-laws to the ADEA Board of Directors. 

“Serving as the ADEA District 3 Commissioner truly has enhanced my experience as a dental student! This position has provided me with the opportunity to support dental students through collaboration and networking across the country during our shared journey through dental school. As a representative within ADEA COSRF, I am immensely grateful for the space to voice my opinions and participate in the mission of improving our education as future dental professionals. And, as a future dentist, I cannot wait to implement the leadership skills and teamwork perspectives this position has provided to me. This opportunity has only strengthened my desire to pursue dental academia someday.” —Alexis Distefano, DMD Class of 2027